eArchiving in Action: Archives and Preservation
Description of the event
A 3-day workshop titled “eArchiving in Action” was organized by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eArchiving Building Block on the 27th of January 2021. The event focused on all crucial issues related to long term data preservation.
It has to be highlighted that the eArchiving initiative is one of the largest European Commision actions in Europe and one of the current greatest challenges in the domain of Digital Cultural Heritage Documentation.
Involvement and mission
The project members has been invited by the European Commission, DG Connect in Luxenbourg to co-organize the event and share a special session with the name “eArcvhibing in Action on the time of Digital Documentation”. Key speakers such as Mr. Hans Laagland from the TRESOAR, Netherland, Mr. Jan Dalsten Sorensen, Head of Danish National Archives, Mr. Stephen Mackey Manager of Piql Norway, Ms Mar Perez Morillo, Director of Biblioteca Nacional de Espana.
The event focused in the following 4 main topics:
- How to connect data acquisition to preservation strategies, ensuring the quality of DCH content?
- How to tackle the challenge of format sustainability and the issue with hardware and software obsolescence in the DCH sector?
- How to ensure the long-term preservation of DCH semantic ontologies, by overcoming the semantic ageing challenge?
- How to ensure the maximum accessibility and usability of DCH data as the final part of a comprehensive and holistic digital preservation strategy?
The digital preservation of European culture is a core mission of Europeana. The panel discussion was an opportunity to learn how specifications in interoperability and good practices from eArchiving could help and support this mission and to identify the tendencies in the digital preservation of cultural heritage. The research agenda of the Mnemosyne project, especially the work on long term preservation was presented, discussed and its relation to the EU VIGIE2020/654 Study on Quality in 3D Digitisation of Tangible Cultural Heritage which is a key activity of the Mnemosyne project. Roughly 350 participants from the entire intersectorial area of archiving and digital cultural heritage.