UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage MNEMOSYNE
at the Cyprus University of Technology

Joint Workshop Mnemosyne and Creative Europe OPHERA Project on Digital technologies for knowledge and promotion of cultural heritage during the restoration & reconstruction process

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Joint Workshop Mnemosyne and Creative Europe OPHERA Project on Digital technologies for knowledge and promotion of cultural heritage during the restoration & reconstruction process

Joint Workshop Mnemosyne and Creative Europe OPHERA Project on Digital technologies for knowledge and promotion of cultural heritage during the restoration & reconstruction process

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Description of the event

The OPHERA project aim to reveal, as a cultural expression, the cultural heritage restoration process currently ongoing around the world affected by earthquakes. The event assumption was the awareness about the need to allow citizens participation and ensure transparency all along the restoration process. The cultural values embedded in the restoration activities are characterized by a wide range of skills and sometimes by creative acts, normally visible only to operators. Through this event the partnership aimed to foster the cultural exchange between restoration professionals and a wider audience, sharing at European level the reconstruction experiences developed around the world.

The Mnemosyne project’s research agenda is focusing on the digitization, protection and long term preservation of cultural heritage. As a co-organizer of this unique event our team planned, organized and set up a particular agenda reflecting the State-of-the-Art in 2D and 3D data acquisition in cultural heritage.


The main benefit of the event was to provide participants with a general overview and a clear state-of the art of the available digital methods, technologies and tools applied to cultural heritage digital documentation, knowledge and communication, particularly to the objects under restoration process in the post-earthquake scenario. In addition, it provided the opportunity for training on the method of communication and visualization of complex technical data in order to reach and increase the awareness of a wider audience.


[pdf-embedder url=”https://digitalheritagelab.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/OPHERA_WORKSHOP_INFO_BOOKLET_FINAL_V6_compressed.pdf”]


Date And Time

17-05-2021 @ 09:00 (EET) to
21-05-2021 @ 18:00 (EET)


Online event

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