UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage MNEMOSYNE
at the Cyprus University of Technology

Summer Academy in Magliaso (TI)│Heritage, Digital Media and Sustainable Tourism

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Summer Academy in Magliaso (TI)│Heritage, Digital Media and Sustainable Tourism

Summer Academy in Magliaso (TI)│Heritage, Digital Media and Sustainable Tourism

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The summer school will discuss the very concept of Heritage, in particular as articulated and embodied by two relevant UNESCO Conventions: the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972) and the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage ( 2003). Moreover, it will also explore it from the perspective of the Council of Europe, and its Cultural Routes’ program. It will then explore how digital media can contribute to document, protect and communicate heritage, the needed processes as well as the connected challenges. A further step will be taken in exploring how digital media can help to address the issue of so-called “overtourism” in heritage places, hence discussing the different layers of sustainability, namely environmental, economic, social and cultural ones.

For more information look HERE


Date And Time

07-09-2024 @ 09:00 (EET) to
14-09-2024 @ 17:00 (EET)

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