UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage MNEMOSYNE
at the Cyprus University of Technology

Europeana TwinIT! Final Event

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Europeana TwinIT! Final Event

Europeana TwinIT! Final Event

188 188 people viewed this event.

The TwinIt! Campaign is an initiative of the European Commission, coordinated by Europeana, which invited all EU Ministries of Culture to liaise with their national cultural institutions to submit at least one 3D digitised heritage asset to the common European data space for cultural heritage. The campaign collected 3D digitized assets representing European cultural heritage at risk, including monuments, buildings, sites and various other types of heritage objects.

The results of the campaign will be celebrated in a final Twin it! event on 14th May, in the prestigious Berlaymont venue in Brussels. This event will have three main components:

  • a high-level conference
  • expert panel discussion
  • a Twin it! interactive exploration Fair

The fair will present various stories from the most valuable projects supporting the data space and 3D digital heritage.


Date And Time

14-05-2024 @ 09:00 (EET) to
14-05-2024 @ 17:00 (EET)

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