UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage MNEMOSYNE
at the Cyprus University of Technology

Europe Day 2022

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Europe Day 2022

Europe Day 2022

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At a speech in Paris in 1950, Robert Schuman, the then French foreign minister, set out his idea for a new form of political cooperation in Europe, which would benefit the participating countries economically and reduce the chance of any future war between Europe’s nations. His vision was to create a European institution that would pool and manage coal and steel production. The idea of the community was that its founding members – France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg – would pool their coal and steel resources and create a common market for them by lifting import and export duties. A treaty creating such a body was signed in Paris just under a year later. Schuman’s proposal is considered to be the beginning of what is now the European Union. The first recognition of a “Europe Day” was introduced by the Council of Europe in 1964. The “Europe Day” on 9th May was introduced in 1985 by the European Communities. Although it is only a public holiday in a few countries as listed on this page, the day is widely observed across the European Union. To celebrate Europe Day, the EU institutions open their doors to the public on 5th May in Brussels, 5th and 9th May in Luxembourg and 10th June in Strasbourg. Local EU offices in Europe and all over the world organise a variety of activities and events for all ages. Each year thousands of people take part in visits, debates, concerts and other events to mark the day and raise awareness about the EU.


Date And Time

09-05-2022 to


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