EAA community for 3D technologies in archaeology
Welcome to the abstracts submission module of the 28th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), which will be held in Budapest, Hungary from 31 August to 3 September 2022. Abstracts must be submitted online via this submission form before the set deadline. To submit, you log in below and will then find a form to complete. For details of what to expect and how to prepare see the scientific programme and FAQ.
Current and past EAA members can log in using their EAA credentials (EAA ID, username, password). For assistance with retrieving your credentials, please contact the EAA Secretariat at helpdesk@e-a-a.org. Before submitting your proposal, please make sure that all personal information is up-to-date in your EAA profile (under Membership > My EAA Membership, when signed in at www.e-a-a.org, where you can also find your EAA ID). That is because, this information will be carried over to the submission module. Please do not create a new account if you already had one in the past!
New members need to first create an EAA account at www.e-a-a.org. You will then find your EAA ID in your profile (under Membership > My EAA Membership, when signed in at EAA website). You can either pay your EAA membership fees upon signing up or at any time before 21 April 2022 when registering for the Annual Meeting at www.e-a-a.org/eaa2022. Please note that ultimately all Annual Meeting delegates must be current EAA members (paid-up for 2022) and pay the Annual Meeting registration fee. If the session co-organiser or first author does not pay both fees before the deadline, their contribution will be excluded from the scientific programme.