UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage MNEMOSYNE
at the Cyprus University of Technology


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The FDO Forum is organising its 1st International Conference of FAIR Digital Objects (FDO2022). This event will bring together technical, scientific, industry, and science-policy stakeholders with the aim to boost the development and implementation of FDOs worldwide and transform the Internet into more than just a data space: into a meaningful data space.

This conference will include a variety of different formats (keynotes, invited presentations, community sessions, lightning talks, panels, hackathons, etc.), and will be organised over 3 days as part of Leiden, European City of Science 2022 activities.

The 1st International Conference on FAIR Digital Objects sets four main goals:

Present and discuss the anatomy of a FDO
Showcase FDO-Based studies & implementations
Act as a forum for developing FDO-Based Approaches
Propose solutions to facilitate global adoption of FDOS
FDO2022 will conclude with the formal signing and publication of the ‘Leiden Declaration on FAIR Digital Objects’.



Date And Time

26-10-2022 @ 13:30 (EET) to
28-10-2022 @ 18:00 (EET)


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