20th ICOM-CC Triennial Conference: Working towards a Sustainable Past
The Triennial Conferences of the Committee for Conservation of the International Council of Museums are a major cultural event in the field of cultural heritage at a global level. Around one thousand professionals from all around the world, both ICOM and non-ICOM members, gather together in order to share experiences, ideas and insight, to make valuable contacts with colleagues and representatives from heritage institutions, and to keep up to date with the developments and trends in the field of cultural heritage conservation. After the success of Copenhagen 2017 and Beijing 2020 (in online format), Valencia 2023 has been designed to be an exceptional opportunity for networking, including a number of carefully selected lectures, a trade fair, social events, technical visits. Valencia 2023 even provides the delegates and exhibitors with the unique opportunity to organise ‘impromptu meetings’ for small groups of interest.
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