UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage MNEMOSYNE
at the Cyprus University of Technology

Europeana blogs on Fikardou village


Thank you, Europeana, for featuring our holistic documentation of Fikardou village in a special blog, which you can read on their website here.

Fikardou is one of the few examples of a remarkable traditional settlement in Cyprus that has remained unspoiled over time and has managed to keep its architectural features and traditional way of life. It also presents a harmonious relationship between the built and the natural environment, enabling a perspective of the cultural landscape. In 1987, Fikardou was awarded the Europa Nostra International Award. Today the entire village is a living museum on the Tentative List of UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

Learn how we preserved the historic village of Fikardou, explore the journey and see our results on the eFikardou platform, which was a collaboration of several EU projects reflecting the importance of this site.

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