As part of the ARTEST Erasmus+ project, three Cyprus University of Technology students participated in a mobility programme between November 3rd – 16th 2024.
During their stay with our project partners and hosts the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) and the Mongolian National University of Arts and Culture (MNUAC) our students Panayiota Georgiade (Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts) , Kyriakos Laou (Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts), and Giorgos Agathangelou (Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering), were able to attend workshops, networked with international peers, and experienced the unique cultural and academic environment of Mongolia, broadening their personal and professional horizons.
The UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage at the Cyprus University of Technology would like to thank everyone who helped make this a truly memorable experience for our students and we look forward to hosting students from our Mongolian partners at the DHRLab later this year.
A big thank-you to all involved for making this mobility program a meaningful success!