Did you know about the largest Cypriot archaeological collection out of Cyprus?
An honorary and a very important visit, with a Scandinavian touch, took place this week in our premises at the Unesco Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage Lab at the Cyprus University of Technology.
On the occasion of their short visit to Cyprus, Dr Kenneth Silver and Adjunct Professor Minna Silver visited our lab in Limassol and had the opportunity to learn about the significant work that is being carried out for the last decade under the UNESCO and ERA chairs.
As the person who is Head of the Graeco-Roman Department and the responsible curator for the CY collection, at the Medelhavsmuseet in Stockholm, Sweden, Dr Silver came to Cyprus to give a lecture about the renowned Swedish Cyprus Expedition.
Τhe Swedish Cyprus Expedition was a project to systematically investigate the archaeology of the early history of Cyprus. The excavations started in September 1927 and ended in March 1931. 50% of the finds remain in Cyprus and are kept in the Archeological Museum in Nicosia. The other half was given to Sweden, and is kept in Stockholm at the Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities.
The specific finds from Cyprus showed that the island had been a melting-pot of culture for thousands of years. The finds cover all the periods from the Stone Age to the Roman period and they challenged prevailing stereotypes and conceptions of Cypriot history and culture.
This is the largest collection of Cypriot artifacts outside of Cyprus with a few thousands of objects.
One marvelous idea discussed during the visit to our lab was to digitize the Cyprus Collection in Stockholm in 2D/3D! This has been proposed to the Swedish Ambassador in Cyprus and will be further negotiated with the Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Nicosia.
This could help to build a bridge between the collections in Nicosia and Stockholm, eliminate the physical distances and function as a great and inspiring example of cooperation for similar cases.
A digitization of the archaeological collection could also help to enhance a wider collaboration between the countries of Cyprus and Sweden cultural diplomacy.